
FSIN asks for assistance after state of emergency declared in Cumberland House

FSIN asks for assistance after state of emergency declared in Cumberland House - image

The Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN) is calling on the federal government to provide assistance after a state of emergency was declared on Monday for both the community and the reserve.

FSIN Chief Guy Lonechild is looking for immediate disaster relief.

“The First Nation community of Cumberland House needs help right away,” said Lonechild on Wednesday.

“The road to the community is deteriorating, the air strip is in bad shape, the people of Cumberland House need support to minimize the flood damage.”

The state of emergency was declared as water levels continue to rise.

Flows through Tobin Lake and into Cumberland House could reach 3,000 cubic-metres-per-second early next week and raise water levels on Cumberland Lake from 0.65 to 0.85 metres.

The Saskatchewan Watershed Authority says current estimated flows will be above 2005 levels.

Flows are expected to go over Highway 123 and crews are building a dike along the highway and in low lying areas in the community.

Officials say they are prepared for any flooding at there are no plans at this time to evacuate the community.

In 2005, flooding washed away the only highway into the isolated community, causing the community to be evacuated.

Currently, travel on Highway 123 should only be done in light trucks and 4×4’s.


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