
How to wear the crop top: The Grown-up Guide

Mention these two small words crop top and women everywhere instantly panic. We saw it in the 90’s and it’s back again with a vengeance. Before you dismiss this as a frightening trend that isn’t for you read the tips below to find the right way to way this trend.

  1.       Wear High Waisted Pants/ Skirts

Seriously who can make it to the gym every day?  A great way to wear this trend is to pair it with higher waists. Pairing tops with a longer waist line allows for only a small peek -a -boo slit to show. Wear your crop top with looser fitting pants and girly skirts for perfect style balance.

  1.       Wide Legged Trousers

In fashion all things are cyclical. The return of the wide legged pant allows you to combine class with sass. Remember culottes? Well those are back too! Opt for these bottoms for the hotter summer months.

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  1.       Layer Up
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If the idea of going full crop still scares you use jackets and shirts to hide your midriff. You can easily wear a blouse underneath the boxier tops, or wear another other spring trend – the printed bomber- to cover up.

Whether it’s loose, printed, tight or floral there is a grown up way for everyone to try this trend!

Dawne Koke | Make up artist/ Stylist |



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