
Michelle Rempel elected in Calgary Centre-North; Harper re-elected

CALGARY – Conservative Michelle Rempel has taken the vacant riding of Calgary Centre-North while Conservative leader Stephen Harper has reclaimed his riding of Calgary southwest.

Longtime, respected Tory and former environment minister Jim Prentice left the party for Bay Street last November to become senior executive vice-president with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.

Pundits predicted Rempel had a good shot, simply because of the strong Tory support Prentice earned in the diverse inner-city riding.

Rempel has her own resume to tout, as current co-chair of the party’s national policy development committee and director of the institutional programs division at the University of Calgary.

In 2008, Prentice defeated NDP John Chan by 19,954 votes.

Meanwhile, Conservative leader Stephen Harper has been re-elected in his Calgary riding.

It was no contest as Harper easily cruised to an overwhelming victory in the riding of Calgary Southwest.

He’s held the riding since returning to politics in 2002 as leader of the Canadian Alliance.

He also held a seat in that part of the city between 1993 and 1997 when he was elected as an M-P with the Reform Party.

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