LETHBRIDGE-Watching your child learn to crawl, or take their first steps is a milestone every parent looks forward to. But what if achieving that milestone took a miracle?
A Lethbridge family believes they’ve found the surgery that could help their toddler suffering from severe Cerebral Palsy- a unique procedure with a price tag to match.
Now, that dream may not be so out of reach, thanks to the kindness of strangers.
By all accounts, Tosia Matuszewski is your typical three-and-a-half-year-old.
Except that for Tosia, simple motor functions, like sitting and walking, are nearly impossible.
“When Tosia was two days old she suffered a stroke, which left her with cerebral palsy and epilepsy,” said Tosia’s father, Mark Matuszewski.
Tosia is as sharp as any other toddler her age. But physically she’s far behind the norm and without a miracle, that’s how she’ll stay.
“We would love her to walk, but it comes with a really high price tag and we just cannot afford that,” explained Matuszewski. “You know, it’s her future in our hands.”

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Tosia’s parents believe that miracle exists in St. Louis, Missouri, in the hands of Dr. T.S. Park. Dr. Park pioneered the Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy procedure-the surgery that’s given life back to thousands of children suffering from spastic Cerebral Palsy.
“Kids are basically starting to walk with the help of a walker, then crutches, and then they move to walking independently,” said Matuszewski.
The price tag is a hefty $58, 000 dollars U.S. plus living expenses for 30 days post-op for Tosia’s intensive physiotherapy.
A complete stranger to the Matuszewski family came across Tosia’s story on-line and was immediately touched by the family’s struggles and decided to launch a fundraiser.
“It’s called ‘Together for Tosia’ and basically what we’re trying to do is make a little girl walk. It’s pretty simple,” said Dave Brown.”We have a great community of friends and we can help, so we’re trying to.”
‘Together for Tosia’ means more than raising money for the family. For them, it means raising a little hope.
“We just want her to be a normal kid and now there’s a chance,” added Matuszewski. “There’s this window of opportunity and we just don’t want to blow it.”
The fundraiser, dinner and silent auction will be held Sunday, February 16th at Legends Pub & Grill in Lethbridge.
The event begins at 5:30, with $60 tickets available for purchase at Legends Pub & Grill, Integrity Wheels and Kopi Ko.
If unable to attend, donations are also being accepted at: