
Denis Coderre most engaged candidate on Twitter

Denis Coderre most engaged candidate on Twitter - image

Montreal-area Liberal candidate Denis Coderre has engaged more with voters on Twitter than any other candidate this federal election.

According to an analysis by, as of this afternoon Coderre had directly replied or referred to individuals 1392 times during the campaign. Coderre, the incumbent for the riding of Bourassa, has more than 27,000 followers on the social-networking site.

Coderre was happy to hear that he was the most Twitter-engaged candidate across Canada, though he said that it is not a goal he shoots for.

Coderre said that social media is a valuable tool for reaching voters. “I think that social networks are kind of an antidote to cynicism,” he said.

“There’s a lot of cynicism about politics and politicians but frankly that social network helps to understand better that hey, you have human beings too.”