Some Manitoba Housing residents are concerned about losing their homes to a First Nations group.
"It’s obvious they want the block for First Nations people only," said Don Colpitts, a resident at 25 Gaylene Place.
Beginning April 1, the Sagkeeng First Nation Housing Authority is set to take over two Manitoba Housing complexes in Winnipeg’s south end at 2339 Pembina Highway and 25 Gaylene Place.
The province will still own the buildings which will now be managed by the First Nation.
"It’s an opportunity for the Sagkeeng Housing Authority to develop capacity to provide housing to aboriginal people as well," said Housing Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross.
The goal is to provide more affordable housing to aboriginal families in safe neighbourhoods in the city. Priority will be given to aboriginal students.
But tenants like Don Colpitts say they weren’t consulted about the changes coming.
"My main concern is being forced out of here," said Colpitts.
The province says residents have nothing to worry about and that all rent leases will be honoured.
Aboriginal leaders say screening methods will remain the same for all applicants regardless of race.
"We assured them nobody is going to be evicted,” said Sagkeeng First Nation Chief Donavan Fontaine.