
Could Superstore’s portable toilets help address Saskatoon’s lack of public washrooms?

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Could Superstore’s portable toilets help address Saskatoon’s lack of public washrooms?
WATCH: A portable washroom trailer has recently popped up outside the Superstore in the Confederation shopping centre. Global's Nicole Healey has more on why the store's washrooms are closed.

A portable washroom trailer was placed outside of the Superstore in Saskatoon’s Confederation neighbourhood this week after a customer damaged the inside washroom.

“They’re being repaired with extra safety features,” Loblaws said in a statement to Global News.  “They’ll be reopened soon.”

According to the city, the number of incidents in public washrooms increased by approximately 32 per cent between 2022 and 2023, including times individuals had to be removed from the building and instances involving drug use, vandalism, public intoxication and needing police or medical assistance.

Click to play video: 'More public washroom facilities planned for Saskatoon’s Pleasant Hill, Riversdale neighbourhoods'
More public washroom facilities planned for Saskatoon’s Pleasant Hill, Riversdale neighbourhoods

Saskatoon residents are wondering if the trailer could be part of a long-term solution for the city’s lack of public washroom facilities — a recent city council topic of discussion.

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“We need more public washrooms actually, it’s a basic human right,” Sarah Peters said. “People are people so they all deserve a certain amount of dignity and respect.”

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Mike Smith said while some people might be causing damage to public washrooms, most just need to use the facility.

“A lot of people are doing a lot of bad things supposedly, but some of us just want to use the bathroom, get in and get out,” Smith said.

The city said it wasn’t aware of the plans to make portable toilets available outside Superstore, saying it appears to have been a private business decision.

“Overall though, city council has recognized the need for staffed, public washrooms,” emergency management organization director Pamela Goulden-McLeod told Global News.

She added that city council invested in washroom trailers for the Riversdale and Pleasant Hill communities last month, saying staffing arrangements for the facilities will be in place over the next week.

The city will also be bringing in additional drinking water access.

Loblaws has not confirmed whether the portable washrooms will stay operational after the indoor facilities reopen.

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