
Crime reduction among recommendations from mayor’s task force in Kelowna

File photo of City Hall in Kelowna, B.C. File / Global News

The Kelowna mayor’s task force presented its report on crime reduction during a city council meeting this week.

The 13-member task force was established 11 months ago and held 10 meetings before presenting its findings on Monday.

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“The task force is recommending a set of actionable and aspirational initiatives to reduce crime and improve community well-being immediately, and into the future,” the report said.

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The report proposed ideas for specific strategies and projects to advance six priorities, leading to seven recommendations.

  • Enhance safety programs for business areas
  • Increase community engagement and education in crime prevention/reduction
  • Increase support for treatment and recovery
  • Establishment of sobering and assessment centres
  • Homelessness transition sites
  • Tiered response to policing
  • Address repeat offenders

If endorsed by council, city staff will begin implementing the recommendations.

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