
Okanagan weather: Gradual warm-up through May long weekend

Temperatures will warm through the May long weekend. SkyTracker Weather

The Okanagan weather forecast for Thursday will see temperatures climb to the 20-degree mark, along with clearing skies throughout the day.

The workweek will wrap up with a chance of showers on Friday and daytime highs dropping into the mid-teens.

The May long weekend will start on a cooler note, with Saturday seeing a chance of showers and the mercury in the mid-teens as well.

However, a gradual warm-up is expected for Sunday, which should see highs in the upper teens, along with partly cloudy skies.

Victoria Day Monday will see a mix of sun and clouds and afternoon highs in the low 20s.

Looking ahead, 20-degree heat is expected to stick around into early next week.

Here is your Okanagan 5-Day SkyTracker Weather Forecast. SkyTracker Weather

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