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Manitoba RCMP seize drugs, firearms, and cash during raid

Photo of pre-packaged cocaine, methamphetamine, crack cocaine, prepaid credit cards, firearms, ammunition, cash and drug related paraphernalia . Seized in raid in Feb by RCMP. Provided by Manitoba RCMP

Manitoba RCMP say they have seized drugs, firearms and cash after a raid at a residence in Ebb and Flow First Nation.

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On Feb. 29, police raided the residence as part of an ongoing investigation and they say they found pre-packaged cocaine, methamphetamine, crack cocaine, prepaid credit cards, firearms, ammunition, cash and drug-related paraphernalia. All were seized as evidence.

Police say they arrested seven suspects inside this home. Four were later released without charge.

The remaining three, a 39-year-old from Ebb and Flow, a 42-year-old from Bacon Ridge and a 29-year-old from Ebb and Flow were arrested and charged.

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The 29-year-old was remanded into custody due to an outstanding warrant of arrest meanwhile, the other two were released for a court date on April 11 in Dauphin.



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