
Northumberland County approves first multi-year budget

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Cobourg opens phase one of Elgin Park affordable housing development
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Northumberland County council has approved its first-ever multi-year budget, with progressive tax increases over the next three years.

At Wednesday’s meeting, council county approved the multi-year budget which spans 2024-26. The target property tax level increase from 2024 through 2026 was set at four per cent.

Following from budget deliberations since the fall, council agreed to a 4.57 base levy increase. However, the total levy increase in 2024 will be 6.57 per cent, with an increase of 1.0 per cent in the Dedicated Infrastructure Levy and a new Dedicated Housing Levy, to prioritize investments in housing and homelessness infrastructure.

For 2025 the total levy increase will be 8.64 per cent and in 2026, 8.86 per cent.

For the average county homeowner, the 6.57 per cent levy will mean an extra $91.45 on the county proportion of their property taxes at $1,463.28.

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Northumberland County encompasses the townships of Alnwick/Haldimand, Cramahe, Hamilton, the municipalities of Brighton, Port Hope and Trent Hills and the Town of Cobourg.

New county warden Brian Ostrander says the three-year plan will help align short-term decisions with long-term strategies.

He was elected to the one-year term as warden during Wednesday’s meeting, replacing outgoing warden Mandy Martin. Municipality of Port Hope Mayor Olena Hankivsky was acclaimed deputy warden.

Brian Ostrander was elected the new warden of Northumberland County on Dec. 13, 2023. He is also mayor of the Municipality of Brighton. Northumberland County

“In so doing, we are ensuring stronger financial management that will better enable the County to anticipate needs, allocate resources efficiently, and prevent unexpected shortfalls,” said Ostrander, mayor of the Municipality of Brighton.

Over the next three-years the County will invest approximately $200 million annually. Of the total 2024 county budget, 34 per cent comes from tax levy dollars, while 66 per cent comes from reserves, service fees, and other funding sources such as grants.

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Some budget highlights include:

  • Addition of a 12-hour paramedic crew and ambulance and development of a new Brighton Emergency Services Base in partnership with the municipality.
  • Completion of 134 kilometres of road resurfacing and paving throughout the county, along with advancement of several major bridge projects including the new Trent River crossing in Campbellford.
  • Continuation of major infrastructure projects including the Golden Plough Lodge, Northumberland County Archives and Museum,Elgin Park affordable housing redevelopment and Ontario Street construction all in Cobourg and investments in property acquisition for new builds, along with housing reserves.
  • Extension of the pilot Commuter Connect regional transit program, with a mid-year review planned for 2024.
  • Sustained funding for homelessness supports and emergency shelter services. A new $241,000 investment will support a six-month pilot addiction treatment program.
  • Continued efforts to integrate the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Childcare Program for subsidized child care into the local system, and to expand availability of child care spaces.
  • Advancement of the public-private partnership to deliver high-speed internet to all communities and businesses.
  • Work with stakeholders throughout 2024 to finalize a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan, and begin work on a Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Plan.

“This budget process and our final direction was shaped by feedback from the community, received through extensive public engagement efforts throughout this past year,” said Ostrander. “In speaking with residents, stakeholders, and community partners, we heard how investments in areas such as affordable housing and homelessness resources, regional transit, child care, health services, and environmental sustainability were of paramount importance.”

“We also heard that, with inflationary pressures and cost-of-living increases, these are difficult times for our residents and businesses. Council respects the trust placed in us by our community to manage finances prudently, particularly given the current environment. We believe we have arrived at a long-term budget that addresses community needs while ensuring each dollar is invested responsibly and wisely.”

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Ostrander says there will be annual reviews on the budget to make changes if or when necessary.

“At the end of the day there is only one taxpayer,” comments Warden Ostrander. “Each year when we update the budget, we will continue to look for cost-saving opportunities and adapt to changes.”

For more on the budget, visit the county’s website at

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