

Event Ended
Abbotsford Centre - 33800 King Rd, , Abbotsford, BC View Map
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STOMP - image

CKNW welcomes STOMP, the international percussion sensation, makes its Abbotsford premiere at the Abbotsford Centre on January 26, 2019.  From its beginnings as a street performance in the UK, STOMP has grown into an international sensation over the past 20 years, having performed in more than 50 countries and in front of more than 24 million people.

Created by Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas, STOMP continues its phenomenal run with four global productions: the ongoing sell-out production at New York’s Orpheum Theatre, a permanent London company, and North American and European tours. Throughout its life, the show has continued to change by creating new material; next year/this year (depending on when release goes out), it will incorporate two new pieces.  It is safe to say you will never again look at supermarket carts  or plumbing fixtures the same way… or paint cans, or kitchen sinks or…

