
Summer officially arrives in London

Summer officially arrives in London - image

We’ve officially said goodbye to spring and hello to summer.

The seasons officially changed at 12:24 a.m. Wednesday, but it looks like the cooler and wet conditions the London region experienced during much of spring will dominate the forecast for the rest of the month.

The average temperature stands at 19.7 C so far in June, which is slightly warmer than normal.

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We normally get about 92 millimetres of rain in June and so far we’ve had about 23 millimetres but Environment Canada meteorologist Peter Kimbell thinks we could make up for it over the next 10 days.

“There’s a lot of unstable waves coming along, providing precipitation, so Thursday we have a 60 per cent chance for showers, much warmer, a high of 28, so very warm on Thursday but likely showers,” he said. “Same thing for Friday, a bit cooler and back to normal temperature-wise and more showers. We’re getting into that phase where we have a couple of days of showers and then a cool phase.”

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Though Kimbell expects the London area to have cooler and normal temperatures for the rest of June, quite a bit of sunshine is expected Wednesday with a high of 23 C.

READ MORE: London forecast and radar

The summer outlook predicts weather conditions will swing between hot and cool over the course of the season thanks to El Niño.

“The good news is July is always the warmest month so even if it’s a bit on the cool side compared to normal, it doesn’t really matter because it’s going to be warm because it’s July,” he said. “But we don’t know at this point if we can predict any heat waves, I’m sure we’ll get some warm days but it’s too early to say for sure what the anomaly with respect to normal will be for the month of July.”

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