
6-year-old uses Heimlich maneuver to save choking friend’s life

ABOVE: How one quick-thinking little boy used the Heimlich maneuver to save his best friend’s life

TORONTO – Six-year-old Alex Shutza is being called a hero after he noticed his best friend was choking on some food – and managed to save his life by using the Heimlich maneuver.

Even more incredibly, he had only been taught how to do the Heimlich maneuver in November.

“He had an incident at the dinner table choking, and his older sister later told him how to do the Heimlich maneuver,” Alex’s mom told King 5 News in Washington.

But just a few weeks later, Alex was having dinner with a friend when he noticed his companion appeared to be choking on his food.

“We heard Alex call out ‘help, help,’” said Alex’s mom. “When we looked from the kitchen we could see that [his friend’s] face was red, and he couldn’t breathe.”
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Luckily for the friend, Alex jumped into action.

“I went like this with my thumbs pushed it,” Alex said as he described his Heimlich maneuver to a local news camera. “I grabbed my hands together and then I pushed it so he could breathe again.”

“He just jumped right in there and took care of business,” said Alex’s mom.

In fact, his Heimlich maneuver was so effective, his friend had only one request once it was all over.

“He said ‘can you please stop doing that?’” Alex joked.

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