
University of Lethbridge unveils plans for revolutionary science building

It will be the most significant construction project at the university in more than forty years.

“This a huge injection for us, but to be honest with you we have wanted this for over 25 years. It’s been a long time to get where we are, but it’s been a push for many years,” said Andrew Hakin , Vice President of Academic  for the University of Lethbridge.

The ‘Destination Project’ will be home to a new state-of-the-art science building at the campus.

“It’s very much indeed an idea of science on display.  The idea of destination is bringing people to campus so they can connect with science. It’s a huge opportunity to reinvent the campus,” explains  Micheal Moxam with Stantec architecture.

The project will sit on land adjacent to University Hall and has the potential to become one of the largest construction undertakings in the history of the city.  The ‘Destination Project’ will rival University Hall in size, meaning an additional 35,000 square meters will be added to the campus footprint.

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The new facility will be more than a teaching and research space and will also serve as a place for community engagement and outreach.

Architect Bruce Kuwabara is a founding partner of KPMB architects and says the building is more than just a facility.

“It’s a symbol of the Uof L. It’s about attracting talent and attracting the best students and faculty and providing them with a sense of community. It’s not just a labs building.”

The ‘Destination Project’ will contribute to the university’s ability to recruit the best and brightest scientific talent to come to our province.

“We are going to excite people about science again . We are going to move people away from the science in the lab coats and someone you want to engage with,” explains Hakin.

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