
Jazzin’ it up

May 8, 2014. We stopped by the Mocha Cabana this morning to hear from Don Robb about the great line-up that’s coming to the Lethbridge Jazz Festival June 8-14. Among the performers is Ellen Doty who will be opening for Michael Kaeshammer on June 14. Ellen tells me her grandmother lived across the street from Nat King Cole in Los Angeles. I thought that was kinda cool. She brought her guitar player and her sax player and she did a great song in front of the breakfast crowd at the Mocha. Best thing to do to find out about everything happening is to get to their website at

It was a pleasure to talk to the man who created Operation Kidsafe, Mark Bott. Mark is from Illinois and has a real passion for making sure kids are safe. About 13 years ago he developed a program of documenting kids on the off-chance that they would get abducted. Mark worked with renowned crime-fighter John Walsh so he kind of knows what he’s doing. Since Mark is from Michigan I asked him if he is a Black Hawk fan. Turns out his wife is but he’s a St. Louis Blues fan. (St. Louis is closer to his home town than Chicago) Get your child I.D.’d tomorrow and Saturday at College Ford on the Crowsnest Trail.

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We had a fun interview today with renowned children’s author Kathy Stinson at General Stewart School. We barged in on her as she was inspiring elementary school kids to read. We did the interview while the kids watched. Funny how enthusiastic kids get when there’s a camera in the room. That interview will run next week.

Every now and then when watching American Idol there’s a performance that absolutely grabs my attention and blows me away. I’m a big fan of Caleb Johnson and I think he deserves to win but last night Jena Irene did a version of I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You by Elvis that was in my opinion the song of the night. To quote the many judges of the past, “She took a really well known song and made it her own.” We may start getting Elvis sightings at 7-11 Stores again after last night’s performance.

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