Frustration over Ontario plan to deregulate Chinese medicine, acupunctureA move to deregulate Chinese medicine and acupuncture in Ontario has taken practitioners by surprise. Some say this could have a major impact on patient safety. Caryn Lieberman reports.Global News at 5 & 6 TorontoMar 3, 2022
No IVF improvement with acupunctureToday’s Global News Hour at 6 Health Matters is brought to you by Pharmasave. A new study says contrary to what many believe, acupuncture does not appear to improve the success rate of in-vitro fertilization.Global News Hour at 6 BCMay 15, 2018
We try cosmetic acupuncture on this edition of CHEX DailyWe head to Peterborough Acupuncture for a procedure that targets wrinkles and complexion using the bodies own healing response. Cosmetic acupuncture uses a number of smaller needles placed into the face but also incorporates additional, connected points. Check it out.CHEX DailyDec 21, 2017
The benefits of acupunctureMon, Jul 28 – When traditional regimens lack success, patients will often tunr to alternative forms of therapy or treatment. Dr. Gordon Grant explains the benefits of various forms of acupuncture.HealthJul 28, 2014