
980 CKNW Original Series: Gimme Shelter 2024

The next 980 CKNW Original series is on the Mike Smyth Show! Gimme Shelter is a limited series that will look at the housing crisis that has impacted not only Vancouver but the whole Lower Mainland. Presented by The Canadian Home Builders’ Association of B.C. – Leading advocate of the residential construction industry in B.C.

Exploring the core of the Lower Mainland’s housing challenges, this series will address issues such as affordable housing shortages, landlord-tenant rights, and zoning complexities. Gimme Shelter aims to uncover the intricate factors shaping the housing landscape in one of Canada’s most coveted regions. Featuring exclusive interviews and insight listen live to the Mike Smyth Show every Friday until March 15th!

You can listen to every feature and interview here after it airs!

About The CHBA BC:

The Canadian Home Builders’ Association of BC (CHBA BC) is the leading advocate for the residential construction industry in British Columbia, representing nearly 2,400 member firms through our eight (8) affiliated local home building associations. Our members are small- and medium-sized businesses that are builders, renovators, tradespeople, service professionals, and suppliers. The industry employs over 200,000 men and women. You can learn more about CHBA BC and careers in homebuilding at:
