B.C. man gains more ‘financial freedom’ in Lotto Max win

Keremeos resident Brian Schwemler is taking the $500,000 he won from the Sept. 27 Lotto Max draw and heading for adventure. .
Keremeos resident Brian Schwemler is taking the $500,000 he won from the Sept. 27 Lotto Max draw and heading for adventure. . Courtesy: BCLC

Brian Schwemler from Keremeos, B.C., is taking the $500,000 he won from the Sept. 27 Lotto Max draw and heading for an adventure.

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Schwemler, who shared a Maxmillions prize with another winner in Langley, said the experience is something that’s “too hard to describe,” according to the BC Lotto Corporation.

Luckily, however, it’s not too hard to decide what he’s going to do with the winnings – a couple of vacations to some warm destinations and general financial freedom.

Schwemler purchased his ticket from the Canco on BC-3A in Keremeos.

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So far in 2022, B.C. lottery players have redeemed more than $144 million from Lotto Max, a nationwide lottery game drawn on Tuesdays and Fridays after 7:30 p.m.

Winning numbers and group release forms can be found online at http://www.bclc.com. Players can check their lottery tickets anytime, anywhere on iOS and Android devices.


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