
Hundreds of partiers clash with police in Washington riot

Hundreds of college-age revelers in Washington state - thwarted in efforts to continue a large party - threw projectiles at police who responded with pepper spray to disperse them. Justin Baker/Twitter

BELLINGHAM, Wash. – Hundreds of college-age revelers in Washington state – thwarted in efforts to continue a large party – threw projectiles at police who responded with pepper spray to disperse them, officials said.

Multiple partiers were arrested during the melee late Saturday and early Sunday in Bellingham, according to police Sgt. Mike Scanlon.

“There was drinking, it became disorderly and pretty much an out and out riot,” he told The Associated Press.

He said the unrest began as police dispersed a noisy party that had drawn a few hundred people.

Many of the revelers then moved to nearby Laurel Park, where they were joined by even more people, Scanlon said, calling it a “large, intoxicated, disorderly crowd.”

The situation “finally boiled over,” he said. ‘They began hurling projectiles at police.”

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