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More Canadian families expected to begin travelling amid eased restrictions: Expert

WATCH ABOVE: As summer draws closer more Canadians are itching to travel abroad, especially as more restrictions ease from re-entering the country. As Marney Blunt reports, experts are still urging travellers to take precautions – Apr 24, 2022

Canada is set to further loosen its COVID-19 restrictions for travellers starting Monday. Travel experts expect it to spur an influx in Canadians travelling.

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As of Monday, children ages 5 to 11 who are accompanied by a fully vaccinated parent, step parent, guardian or tutor will no longer be required to complete a pre-entry COVID-19 test. Children under the age of five also do not need to provide a test.

Fully vaccinated travellers will no longer need to provide a quarantine plan upon returning to Canada.


“Every easing of restrictions makes it easier for people to travel, especially for families,” Travel Best Bets President Claire Newell told Global News.

“With this round of restrictions…that’s where I really noticed a lot more families excited to start travelling.”

Newell says the testing requirements were a hindrance for many families with younger children.

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“That pre-flight test has been expensive and it’s also been a hassle,” she said. “It (was) an added step and an added cost.”

However, pre-entry tests will still be required for partially vaccinated or unvaccinated travellers ages 12 and older who are currently eligible to travel to Canada.

That’s something Winnipeg parent Erica is familiar with. She and her husband went on a trip to Mexico in March, while testing requirements were still in place. While her entire family is vaccinated, she said they chose to leave the two kids at home.

“The reason we didn’t take the kids is I didn’t want to worry about them getting COVID and having to test and come home,” Erica said. “My kids don’t like taking a test.”

She says the eased restrictions make travel more appealing as a parent. She’s looking forward to taking her children on their next trip.

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“You’re enjoying your vacation and then at the back of your mind you’re thinking, I have to take this test at the end of my trip. I hope I don’t get COVID. I don’t want to have to stay here,” Erica said of the previous COVID-19 testing requirements “It was a little stressful.”

Experts also warn that less barriers for travellers, means less barriers for the virus.

“Just remember that the more mandates and restrictions are dropped, the more that gives us the opportunity to be mobile, to get around, to be around more people,” epidemiologist Cynthia Carr said. “And, of course, that’s what the virus likes.”

Carr says travellers still need to take precautions, and know the risk levels for the area where they’re travelling.

“Just so you understand what the situation is in both the area and the health system,” Carr said. “When you travel, anything can happen, and you might need to use the health system.”

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With the U.S. dropping mask mandates for air and train travel, Carr still recommends wearing a mask in congested places, like an airport terminal, in line-ups, and on the airplane itself.

“I would definitely want our trip to be COVID-free,” Erica said. “So masking all the way.”


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