The latest COVID-19 vaccination rate data from Peterborough Public Health reports nearly 80 per cent of the eligible population in its jurisdiction are fully vaccinated with two doses.
The health unit releases its weekly data on Tuesday. The latest data with a comparison to data reported on Dec. 29, 2021:
All eligible residents (ages five and up):
- First dose: 85.1 per cent (up from 84.8 per cent)
- First and second dose: 80.0 per cent (up from 79.7 per cent)
- Third dose: 34.9 per cent (up from 28.3 per cent)
Youth (ages five to 11):
- First dose: 45.2 per cent (up from 42.3 per cent)
- Second dose: 2.2 per cent (up from 0.7 per cent)
Youth (ages 12 to 17):
- First dose: 81.6 per cent (up from 81.4 per cent)
- First and second dose: 78.1 per cent (up from 77.8 per cent)
- Third dose: 0.6 per cent (up from 0.4 per cent)
Adults (ages 18 and up):
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- First dose: 88.6 per cent (up from 88.5 per cent)
- First and second dose: 86.5 per cent (up from 86.3 per cent)
- Third dose: 40.1 per cent (up from 32.5 per cent)
Older adults (ages 70 and up):
- First dose: 100 per cent (unchanged)
- First and second dose: 100 per cent (unchanged)
- Third dose: 74.8 per cent (up from 67.4. per cent)
Other vaccination data (compared to Dec. 29 update):
- 294,453 doses of vaccine have been administered locally — an additional 11,180 doses
- 120,565 residents have received a first dose (up by 461)
- 113,250 residents have received their second dose (up by 365)
- 49,383 residents have received their third dose (up by 9,302 since Dec. 29).
All vaccine doses administered for residents ages 30 and up will be the Moderna vaccine as there is currently a Pfizer vaccine shortage, the health unit reported in late December.
Third-dose/booster vaccinations are now available for residents age 18 and up and first vaccine bookings are available for children ages five to 11. All appointments have to be booked on Ontario’s online portal or by calling the provincial vaccine booking call centre at 1-833-943-3900.
The health unit updates its list of clinics on its website.
A number of Peterborough and area pharmacies offer vaccinations to eligible recipients. Appointments are required and can be made by calling the respective pharmacies or visiting the Ontario government’s website.
Testing continues at Peterborough Regional Health Centre’s assessment centre at 1 Hospital Dr. The hospital says demand is extremely high. More information about booking a test through the COVID-19 Assessment Centre can be found on the health unit’s website.
Rapid antigen tests
Rapid antigen tests from the province will be available for distribution at the following locations:
- Wednesday, Jan. 5 and Thursday, Jan. 6: Peterborough Public Library (345 Aylmer St. N.) from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Saturday, Jan. 8, 2022: Peterborough Farmers’ Market, Morrow Building (151 Lansdowne St. W.) from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.