A man is suing Edmonton police for an alleged assault that he says put him in hospital for more than a week.
The lawsuit says Pacey Dumas, who is 19, was injured after police responded to a disturbance complaint last year and an officer kicked him in the head.
Lawyer Heather Steinke-Attia, who is representing Dumas and his family, says the defendants have yet to be served and a statement of defence has not been filed.
Edmonton police say they can’t provide comment because the case is still being investigated by the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team.

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The lawsuit says Dumas’s mother had let officers into her home to search for weapons.
It alleges police told Dumas to lay down and an officer kicked him.
At the time, ASIRT issued a press release saying a knife was recovered from the scene.
The lawsuit says part of Dumas’s skull had to be removed to alleviate pressure from his swelling brain.
It says he has to wear a helmet each day and is waiting for surgery to put a metal plate in his skull.