WATCH: Montrealers rally for gay rights at Russian Consulate
MONTREAL – Hundreds gathered in front of the Russian Consulate in Montreal on Tuesday night to show their support for gay rights.
The candlelight vigil was organized to raise awareness about Russia’s stance on homosexuality and the event kicked off Montreal’s Pride Week.
In pictures: Montrealers protest Russia’s anti-gay laws
In January, Russia introduced an anti-gay law that was generally met with either indifference or open enthusiasm by many Russians, two-thirds of whom, according to polls conducted in 2012, find homosexuality “morally unacceptable and worth condemning.”
The polls also found that nearly half of those asked were against gay rallies and same-sex marriage and almost a third believed homosexuality happened because of “a sickness or a psychological trauma.”

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READ MORE: Russia moves to enact anti-gay law to protect minors from Western ‘homosexual propaganda’
After the law was passed, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) came out, confirming its support for all Olympic athletes, regardless of race, sex or sexual orientation.
The organization said it would guarantee that the games would carry on without discrimination.
In a statement, it noted that Russian authorities assured the IOC that the new legislation would not affect those “attending or taking part” in the Games.
READ MORE: Could gay Canadians – and their supporters – be arrested at Sochi Olympics?
But in light of increasing violence against homosexuals in Russia, many are very concerned about the safety of Olympic athletes and the human rights of thousands of Russian citizens.
Protests and boycotts of Russian produce have been organized as people around the world are demanding international condemnation of the country’s new laws.
The boycotts have received some criticism, including a reaction from one of Canada’s most prominent gay Olympians.
“I don’t believe in boycotts,” said Mark Tewksbury. “The athletes would pay the price, not the host country. I think the best thing is to be present and continue to live your life.”
Montreal broadcaster Ted Bird came under fire in July after posting comments on his blog. He noted that calls to boycott all things Russian “because Bill can’t hold Bob’s hand at the Olympic Village in Sochi” were impractical.
Tuesday night, the rally was peaceful, with many noting that the protest and the open expressions of affection displayed by those gathered would not be tolerated in Russia.
Watch: Montreal Pride VP Jean-Sebatien Boudreau talks about the event