A landlord of a rental property in Huntsville, Ont., pleaded guilty to failing to install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms where required this past Wednesday.
The landlord was also fined $1,250, plus victim surcharges, according to the Huntsville/Lake of Bays fire department.
Following a complaint in April 2020, the Huntsville/Lake of Bays fire department inspected the property and charged the landlord with failing to install a smoke alarm where needed and failing to install a carbon monoxide alarm were required.

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The rental property was found to lack both smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in one of the units. It was brought into compliance that same day.
“Landlords must have working smoke and CO alarms installed at their properties to protect their tenants,” Huntsville/Lake of Bays fire Chief Rob Collins said in a statement.
“Tenants must not tamper with alarms and have a responsibility to notify the landlord if an alarm becomes inoperative.”
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