The Okanagan Heritage Museum is normally bustling with tourists and community members trying to learn a little bit more about our valley.
Now, however, it has closed their doors due to COVID-19 and they’re trying to find new ways to connect with our community.
“We were heartbroken when we closed the doors and cancelled so many programs. The spring was just full of exciting opportunities,” said Linda Digby, Kelowna Museums Society executive director.
But with the wonders of modern-day technology, a new program titled Live at the Museum is keeping curiosity alive.
We can even go into collection storage which we can’t usually do with families,” said Digby.
“We see a really creative opportunity to bring our visitors to a place where they haven’t been able to go to before.”
The first of many tours planned kicked off the series by diving into ‘ Wacky Wildlife’ you can find in the Okanagan like beavers, raccoons, lynx and skunks.
Wacky because they each have unique and surprising tricks for survival; teaching viewers about how beavers build their damns and skunks spray.
The Kelowna museums society will be broadcasting from their Instagram page every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1:30p.m.