These rare and stunning frost flowers have been spotted on lakes and ponds around B.C. over the past week and a half. Viewers from all over the Cariboo and Central Interior have been sending in photos.
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While they are made of ice, these flowers are delicate and break easily when touched.
This type of frost is rarely seen because it requires a very specific combination of both weather and ice conditions in order to occur.
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First, the ice must be fairly thin so that the temperature of the ice is not too cold. That is why this phenomenon typically occurs near the beginning of the winter season, and it is not recommended you venture out on to the ice.
Under these specific conditions, the difference in temperature between the ice and the air causes the ice to “sublimate.” This means the ice, a solid, changes to a gas.
When this gas touches the cold air, the moisture in the gas freezes, creating the most beautiful fern-like flower pedals.