A group of 70 high school students got to put down their pens and pick up a fire hose on Wednesday morning at the Kelowna Fire Department.
The students, from Kelowna Secondary and Okanagan Mission, got to experience dragging and hooking up hoses, climbing ladders on fire trucks, using fire extinguishers, and using a self-contained breathing apparatus.
Though firefighting isn’t for everyone, some students say the boot camp sparked a possible career for them.
“I didn’t know what it would be like,” said Grade 11 student Mackenzie Littleton.
“I didn’t know what to expect, so now I know what it’s about and it’s pretty great.”
Members of the Kelowna Fire Department also say the boot camp has proven to be impactful for some.
“One of the students that has gone through that I know of personally,” said fire safety educator Rick Euper “has gone on and is a firefighter now.”
“That’s really kind of cool to hear that.”