
Rutty roads can cause big headaches for drivers

They are easy to get caught up in and quick to do damage. Regina residents are doing what they can to avoid ruts on city streets with the spring melt.

City crews have been out trying to clear streets and expose the pavement, but some are still so bad that ruts are hitting the undercarriages of cars. Once that happens, it can cause a lot of damage.

“Anywhere from ripping plastic off mud flaps to damaging undersides of running boards,” said Dustin Skoglund, quick lane manager at Capital Ford.

There is a lot of equipment under cars – everything from fuel tanks to struts and mufflers – and even a small amount of damage can cause a big headache.

“It’s definitely not good for your vehicle,” explained Skoglund. “It can give you drivability issues and it can cause a lot of noise, which is usually the first thing you’re going to pick up on.”

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When a driver hits a rut, however, it does not always make sense to file a claim.

“If a person has basic plate insurance, that means they have a $700 deductible,” explained Kelley Brinkworth, a spokesperson for SGI. “Sometimes with ruts or potholes the damage could be a little bit less than that, in which case they wouldn’t put in a claim for it.”

A driver, however, could still be considered at fault.

“If you’re driving at normal speed and you’re following the rules of the road and all that, then you would be considered not at fault,” Brinkworth said. “You still have to pay your deductible, but at least you wouldn’t get charged those points on your safety rating scale.”

Drivers who damage their car on a rut in Regina can submit a claim through the city. Each claim is investigated to determine if the city is liable for the damages.

To save a hassle later, Skoglund suggests slowing down through ruts.

“The biggest thing is you don’t want to try and avoid a rut so much because I’ve seen where you get into an instance where you lose control because the rut wants to pull you in,” he said, adding if you find yourself caught up in one, do not force it.

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“Anytime you go through something and you hear any kind of noise, scrape on the ground, you definitely want to have a look,” Skoglund said. “Pull off somewhere where it’s safe, take a look. If you notice something that’s hanging down, go and see your recognized dealer.”

Residents who want to report a street with significant ruts can call the city at 306-777-7000.

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