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Bill Kelly: Tories play into Saudi propaganda rhetoric

Should the federal government respond to Saudi Arabia? – Aug 10, 2018

In this era of polarizing partisan politics, it’s not surprising to see the vitriolic rhetoric that dominates Parliament Hill these days.

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The Trudeau government has shot themselves in the foot on numerous occasions and have quite rightly been vilified by the media and opposition members.

But, there are some instances that call for unity, not partisanship.

Canada’s push back against punitive U.S. tariffs was supported by friends and foes of the government, as it should have been.

I’d like to think that standing up against human rights violations would gain similar support, but such is not the case.

It was disappointing to see former Harper government minister John Baird criticize the government’s stance against human rights violations in Saudi Arabia.

WATCH: No apology from Trudeau on Canada’s dispute with Saudi Arabia

The Trudeau government has provided plenty of fodder for opposition members to take issue with lately, but calling out the Saudis for imprisoning and torturing someone for advocating for human rights should be one of those issues where Canadians stand together.

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Do we turn our backs on that injustice and ignore the horrifying pictures of children killed and injured from Saudi attacks in Yemen?

Will we continue to wring our hands about the refugee crisis and say nothing of the oppressive regimes that force people to flee their native lands?

Anyone who puts political partisanship ahead of human rights is nothing more than a political hack and not worthy of consideration.

Bill Kelly is the host of the Bill Kelly Show on Global News Radio 900 CHML


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