
Is the Samsung Galaxy S4 a winner?

Is the Samsung Galaxy S4 a winner? - image

This morning I talked about some of the new cool features on the new Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone.

You owe it to yourself to go to the Samsung Galaxy S4 Micro Web Site to see all its new cutting-edge features:

Many folks are asking me if the S4, launched in New York is an iPhone killer.

That’s not the issue anymore. The hardware features on the S4 from processing and graphics power, sharpness, weight and screen size, as well as smart design for easy feel-good holding beats any smartphone, period. 

What will make phones game changers will be what you can do with them. The way software and hardware works together for a great personal experience.

The S4 will surely propel Samsung to even higher record sales, because of its huge software offering beyond what the Android world offers. It may not sway hardcore iPhone owners, but will attract other brand owners.

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Samsung is ahead of the Android pack because or smart design and well thought out software to, as they claim, make it difficult to be away from your phone.

For now the S4 rules but don’t count out the creativity of the software industry where the “There’s and App for that” phrase will be a common phrase for any phone maker. Sure, some apps will require more power and larger screen sizes, as Samsung proved with the S4. Competitors will follow.

More importantly…the winner? You and me!

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