A Mission Thrift Store employee found a wallet on the ground last April. Now, what was lost is soon-to-be donated money.
“A customer had come in and he was going to buy a shirt but he had lost his wallet… foreign currency in it,” said manager, Marlene Braak.
The wallet contained $15,200 Ghanaian Cedis, which is worth about $3,500 Canadian.
It was handed over to the Lethbridge Police Service (LPS), who put out calls on social media and local radio stations to try and find the owner.
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But unfortunately for the owner, they had no luck.
LPS then advised the thrift store to contact the city.
“They said we should just send a letter to the city council and explain that the money, if it doesn’t get claimed, should belong to the Mission Thrift Store,” Braak said.
Now almost 10 months later, council has rubber-stamped the request.
Municipal Act 611(1) states if money found is not claimed by the rightful owner within 30 days, the finder can apply to council to keep it.
Braak was there when the decision was made and says she is delighted.
Braak says they haven’t told Bible League Canada yet about their donation.
“Not yet, no… So, it’ll be a nice little surprise for them.”