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U of A’s nursing faculty celebrates 100 years of education

The University of Alberta's nursing faculty celebrates its centennial with a Game of Wellness day, Saturday, Feb. 3, 2018. University of Alberta Nursing, Credit

The University of Alberta is celebrating the centennial of its nursing faculty.

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The milestone was marked on Saturday with a Wellness Day conference featuring a series of speakers.

“We’ve tried to bring in elements of health and wellness and movement to share with everybody the importance of and the history of nursing here in Edmonton,” Faculty of Nursing assistant dean Mary Lee Guthrie said.

Canadian fitness celebrities Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod of Body Break fame were among the speakers.

“Your health is your wealth — that’s what we’re going to talk about today,” Johnson said. “Hopefully [we will] motivate and inspire, [and] give a little bit of information and tips on how you can do that.”
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“I think it’s important to support nursing because they’re really the foundation of the medical community,” McLeod said. “They teach about wellness, health and not only the physical, but also the mental aspect.”

In 1975, U of A became the first university in Western Canada to implement a Masters of Nuring program.


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