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Justin Trudeau to bring town hall tour to Edmonton Thursday

WATCH ABOVE: The prime minister is expected to take some tough questions at the Edmonton stop of his cross country town hall meetings. But first, Justin Trudeau made a couple of stops around the city. Julia Wong reports live from one of his events – Feb 1, 2018
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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will bring his his town hall tour to Edmonton’s MacEwan University Thursday, as well as take part in several interviews and photo-ops.

Trudeau’s sixth stop on his cross-country tour will begin at 7 p.m. Doors open at 5 p.m. and anyone wishing to attend is encouraged to arrive early as access is granted on a first-come, first-served basis.

WATCH BELOW: During a Q&A in Hamilton on Jan. 10, a man rose to ask PM Justin Trudeau how he could address the security concerns of the nation when he couldn’t, in his opinion, even run security at his own event.

The check-in area will be on the second floor of the Robbins Health Learning Centre at 10910 104 Avenue. There, the public will check belongings and receive wristbands.

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Large coats, jackets and bags will not be permitted inside the David Atkinson Gymnasium and there will be a mandatory coat check in place.

WATCH BELOW: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau repeatedly asked a man to stop shouting during a town hall Jan. 11 in London, Ont. as an audience member attempted to ask the prime minister a question.

The university says there will be no preferential treatment given to MacEwan students, staff or faculty and while people must register to attend, registration does not guarantee admission.

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Those taking evening classes at the university are encouraged to come early as traffic and parking at the venue will be busier than usual.

Trudeau will start his day with a meeting at the Mill Woods Seniors Association, located in the riding of his only Alberta cabinet minister, MP Amarjeet Sohi.

He will then tour the nearby Tawa Park drainage improvement site with Mayor Don Iveson.

After the town hall question-and-answer session at the downtown Edmonton university, the prime minister will attend a Liberal donor appreciation reception at the Fairmont Hotel Macdonald.


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