I have admittedly struggled with the #metoo movement on a few levels. Let me first say I’ve never disputed a woman’s right to be an equal to her male counterparts in anything she chooses, be it work, relationships etc. As long as she can hold her own she belongs. I would say that for men as well. As long as HE can hold his own, he belongs.
READ MORE: Women’s Convention builds on #MeToo to discuss sexual abuse, women in politics
I’ve also suggested that, in this current environment, many men could and probably have fallen victim to false or overblown allegations as there are seemingly hair trigger decisions being made by companies and people in general before any legitimate proof becomes available (social media can be awful that way) and not for the best reasons either. I believe some companies and people are simply making these decisions to look like, LOOK LIKE, they’re going along with this current trend. This is the wrong reason. The real reason should be to actually give people a safe place/environment (safe being a very relative term) to conduct their day-to-day business. Not to look good in the media or on Twitter/Facebook.
READ MORE: #MeToo rally in downtown Vancouver highlights issue of sexual assault and harassment

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Having said that, yes, sexual harassment/misconduct obviously DOES exist and we’re only hearing about a tiny fraction of it now. There will be much more to come.
I’ve always tried to conduct myself as a gentlemen, respecting women’s (and men’s) feelings and safety for the most part BUT I’ve also looked in the mirror and come to the conclusion I can do better.
READ MORE: COMMENTARY: Me too, but now what?
Rather than just suggesting I’m a victim of society’s rules I have challenged myself to rise above that. To that end I went looking for the best ways I could change small (possibly sexist) behaviors in myself and this is the best article I found to help improve those shortcomings.
I challenge all men to read it and see if they come to the same conclusions I did.
Read through the discomfort gentlemen. If you’re feeling discomfort it means you’re growing.