
Scott Thompson: Halloween is over — enough with the candy

File photo. Sharon Turner

Alright, Halloween is over for another year, get the candy crap out of my house!

It’s not just that I’m a grumpy old man, I’m a grumpy old man with gas.

There is a reason those middle age and up can’t eat the candy the way the youngsters do. (The same reason we can’t eat a Big Mac anymore).

It runs right through you, like a storm sewer, during a summertime climate change sideways rain.

We were late on everything Halloween this year, which is why I’m still talking about it now.

I’m blaming it on summer, which didn’t arrive until mid-September.

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Although bad for the kiddies, we didn’t see candy come into the house until last week.

Normally we’re on our second batch by Halloween, because we’ve inhaled the first.

As a result this year, much like smog days, my stomach cramp count was way down.

And that makes it an extra happy Halloween.

Scott Thompson is the host of the Scott Thompson Show on AM 900 CHML.

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