
Why not make rope rescues a Hamilton attraction?

There's been a sharp increase in visitors to Hamilton waterfalls, including Albion Falls, prompting more enforcement. Hamilton Conservation Authority

There was yet another rope rescue at a Hamilton waterfall this past weekend. Surprised?

I guess, somewhat, simply because it was just last week we spoke with officials about new signage and fencing in place to avoid the regularity of our firefighters’ latest pastime — waterfall rope rescues.

Unfortunately, it seems we are still playing catchup, rather than getting a handle on these situations, surrounding our natural beauty.

This time, four people were rescued at Webster’s Falls. There were no major injuries reported.

As we mentioned last week, it’s time to take these natural attractions to the next level. Failing to recognize the cat is out of the bag solves nothing.

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Since the highlight of most weekends is the rope rescue, perhaps we should incorporate it into the visit. Part of a package.

COMMENTARY: It’s time to start fining waterfall daredevils

Install a zip line to the bottom, promising people who show up the thrill of a lifetime.

Then have a contraption for the firefighters to whip you back up.

That way everyone’s pants are filled, sort of.

Why not have the attractions generate revenue instead of costing taxpayers?

All the players are there. The only thing missing is the permanent apparatus and a ticket wicket.

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