WINNIPEG — Mit Kinnarath has spent 30 years teaching others how to navigate Winnipeg’s roads and potholes are increasingly part of the curriculum.
“It is a challenge, especially on the residential roads,” Kinnarath from Metro Driving School said.
Kinnarath says he purposely takes his students down some of the bumpier streets so they learn how to handle the potholes safely in the spring time.
“It’s important they learn how to navigate these roads safely,” Kinnarath said.
READ MORE: Be prepared to dodge at lot more potholes in Winnipeg this spring
While the big melt is leading to some big problems, the city says if the temperatures stay mild, there will be less wear and tear on the roads.
“If spring came today we’d be very happy in current conditions because we wouldn’t see another major freeze which is more damaging,” Jim Berezowsky with the city said.
Kinnarath recommends approaching a pothole the same way a driver would approach a speed bump; take your time and lightly brake.
WATCH: Winnipeg’s roads will cost billions to revamp: construction association