
Voter told to ‘gain some experience’ on candidate’s Facebook page

Whoever was controlling the Facebook page of Halifax-area Conservative candidate Robert Strickland had some choice words for a voter this week.
Whoever was controlling the Facebook page of Halifax-area Conservative candidate Robert Strickland had some choice words for a voter this week. Robert Strickland/Facebook

A Conservative candidate in the Halifax region is blaming an overzealous staffer for a comment made on his Facebook page in which he apparently encouraged a voter to “gain some experience in life,” and get a degree “rather than talking about starting one” before engaging in discussions on economic policy.

The conversation on the official Facebook page linked to Sackville-Preston-Chezzetcook candidate Robert Strickland has since been edited. It began benignly enough last Monday when a user named Mitchell Van Oosten posted a response to a post touting the Conservative economic plan. Van Oosten asked how the party planned to promote growth during a period of recession while still balancing the federal budget.

The exchanges that followed essentially saw Van Oosten politely challenging the assertions made by the user on the candidate’s account, which Strickland has since suggested was a staffer.

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Among other things, Van Oosten cited various economic and social indicators or statistics that do rank Canada among the best places to live, but do not, as the user on the candidate’s page argues, see Canada performing “at the top of the countries in the world.”

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But soon, a hint of something other than civil discussion surfaced on Strickland’s side. The user asked Van Oosten to list three countries where he would rather live.

“If you respond with three countries, my next question is why do you not live in them?”

Van Oosten was also informed that Strickland has a background in international business and experience in consulting for a variety of entrepreneurs and industries. Van Oosten explained he is currently living abroad and considering starting a masters degree in Germany. He then repeated his request for an explanation of how the Conservatives will revive “the sluggish economy, protect the environment, and support developing countries around the world?”

At that point, all bets seemed to be off.

“Well Mitchell, from my perspective, which spans residency in 3 countries, work in 5 countries including 8 provinces of Canada and 22 states in the US … I will wait for you to gain some experience in life,” the user on Strickland’s page replied.

“Please respond when you have a tenure higher than 1 year at any one employer and perhaps have completed a degree rather than talking about starting one.”

That post was then edited, apparently by Strickland himself, to read: “Mitchell — after reading over my previous comment I think this better communicates my beliefs.” Strickland outlines why he feels Canada is the best place to live and start a family, and encourages Van Oosten to continue his travels before returning home.

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Strickland did not immediately respond to Global News’ request for comment.

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