
Calgary canines ‘try their paw’ at painting at Bark Mitzvah

WATCH ABOVE: Global’s Gil Tucker catches up with Bark Mitzvah organizers ahead of their doggy art party.

CALGARY – They may not be able to hold a brush, but that won’t stop some four-legged friends from getting creative this weekend.

“Doggy Art” is on the menu for anyone attending Sunday’s “Bark Mitzvah” at the Calgary Jewish Community Centre.

It’s the first time the activity’s been offered at the centre’s annual party for dogs and their owners.

The idea is simple: you roll non-toxic paint on your dog’s paw, then press it onto paper using whatever colours and shapes you want.

Daisy the dog working on her art in Calgary. Gil Tucker / Global News

“They’re going to leave with a new skill. If they ever run out of dog food, they could market it on the street,” joked organizer Suzanne Wilson.

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Bark Mitzvah runs Sunday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Jewish Community Centre in southwest Calgary. For more information, visit the centre’s website here.

Some of Daisy’s artwork ahead of the Bark Mitzvah in Calgary set for Aug. 23, 2015. Gil Tucker / Global News

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