
Okanagan weather: Major warm-up for first week of June

A ridge of high pressure will bring a big warm-up to the Okanagan through the first week of June. SkyTracker Weather

The Okanagan forecast this week will see temperatures in the mid-to-upper teens on Tuesday afternoon despite a chance of showers throughout the day.

Mostly sunny skies will return on Wednesday, along with 20-degree heat in the afternoon.

A ridge of high pressure will build in to finish the first week of June, with daytime highs in the mid-20s on Thursday and upper 20s on Friday.

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The first 30-degree heat of 2024 may happen this weekend. Sunshine will dominate on Saturday before the ridge breaks down, with a chance of showers on Sunday.

Here is your Okanagan 5-Day SkyTracker Weather Forecast. SkyTracker Weather

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