
Premier Wab Kinew announces Tuxedo byelection

A byelection will be held in Tuxedo on Tuesday, June 18. The seat was previously held by former Manitoba premier Heather Stefanson, who resigned from politics earlier this month. John Woods / THE CANADIAN PRESS

A provincial byelection has been called for the constituency of Tuxedo in Winnipeg.

The seat was previously held by former Manitoba premier Heather Stefanson, who resigned from politics earlier this month.

Current Premier Wab Kinew announced Monday that a new election will be held on Tuesday, June 18.

More details on polling times, locations, and and advanced polls are expected in the coming days.

There are currently 34 New Democrats, 21 Progressive Conservatives, one independent Liberal, and one vacant seat in the Manitoba legislature.

Click to play video: 'Former Manitoba premier Heather Stefanson leaving politics'
Former Manitoba premier Heather Stefanson leaving politics

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