
Saskatoon zoo welcomes baby ring-tailed lemur this week

The lemur's mother, Lucy, will let the baby cling to her belly for the first few weeks before moving it to her back, according to a release from the zoo. . Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park & Zoo

The Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park and Zoo announced the birth of a baby ring-tailed lemur Friday morning, adding to the zoo’s family.

“Mom Lucy is doing great, and the baby is exhibiting all of the major milestones we hope to see,” zoo manager Jeff Mitchell said.

The lemur’s mother will let the baby cling to her belly for the first few weeks before moving it to her back, according to a release from the zoo.

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It said Lucy will keep a close eye on her baby as it begins to explore the habitat in about one month.

“We have not yet identified if it’s a boy or girl because we are allowing time for mom and baby to bond and will be selecting a name in the coming weeks,” Mitchell said.

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He said Lucy and the baby’s father Ringo arrived at the Saskatoon zoo last year.

The baby will be introduced to solid foods in two weeks with a full weaning from Lucy at five to six months of age, according to the release.

The ring-tailed lemur family is part of the Small Mammal House at the zoo, open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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