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Police seek at least 3 suspects in break-ins in Grimsby and Beamsville

Police say a bicycle rider was sent to hospital after a collision with a Toyota sedan near a Welland intersection on Tuesday January 11, 2021. Don Mitchell / Global News

Niagara police say a search is on for at least three suspects following a rash of break-and-enters in Grimsby and Beamsville early Wednesday.

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Investigators say personal items, particularly identification and credit cards, were targeted in eight homes between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. while residents slept.

Houses on Olive Street and Princess Boulevard in Grimsby and dwellings on Lincoln Avenue, Northgate Crescent, and Frances Crescent in Beamsville were hit by the thieves.

Detectives say the suspects entered through unlocked exterior doors and attached garages.

Some of the stolen credit cards were later used in the Hamilton area.

So far only three individuals, captured on security cameras, have been connected with the thefts.

Police say the probe into how much was taken and cost of damage to the homes is still ongoing.



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