
Deep freeze to last all week

The last Dec. 7 with this kind of cold was more than a century ago. Global News

WINNIPEG – Winnipeg and southern Manitoba have been in a deep freeze for days and there are at least a few more days to go with temperatures forecast to stay below -20 until Monday.

You know it’s cold when it’s a struggle to keep water from freezing, something window washers were dealing with Monday.

“Layer up,” said Zach Stimpson. “It takes me five minutes just to get dressed.”

If you think it feels like January — it does.

“This is a normal winter pattern,” said weather expert Jay Anderson. “The only difference is it’s earlier; we usually look for this in a month.”

Susan Herity waited most of the day to get a boost from CAA.

More than 700 Winnipeggers called CAA for help Monday, not a record but a busy day for them and mechanics across the city.

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It will take two days for mechanics to catch up at Fraser Auto Service.

“Dead batteries, block heaters that don’t work, a lot of flat tires — people are not taking care of their cars,” said Gilles Fraser.

If it’s hard on your car, it’s hard on Global’s Skyview 1 chopper, too. Traffic reporter Casey Gibb said the cameras don’t work and it’s not pleasant inside.

“If it’s cold outside, it’s cold in here,” said Gibb. “We do have a heater, but it’s pretty thin. It’s not a well-insulated cabin.”

While this may be hard to get used to, we’ll have a couple of months to adapt.

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