
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford to appear on ‘Sports Junkies’ radio show weekly

TORONTO – Despite the ongoing crack cocaine scandal, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford isn’t shying away from the media attention, north or south of the border.

In addition to co-hosting an online program with his brother Doug Ford to be uploaded on Youtube sometime before Christmas, Ford will now be appearing on the Washington D.C.-based The Sports Junkies radio show on 106.7 The Fan on a weekly basis.

The show’s co-host Eric Bickel made the announcement official on his Twitter account on Wednesday.

“I think he’s an interesting figure. We all know he’s a big sports fan and a fan of the Redskins we just learned,” said 106.7 The Fan’s program director Chris Kinard in an interview with Global News.  “D.C. is full of interesting political figures and we thought it would be fun to have him on the show to do a little something different, so we invited him.”

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Ford is tentatively scheduled for his weekly appearances on Thursdays at 8:40 a.m. EST and will be making NFL picks.

“I think he’ll have fun with our hosts. They are huge sport fans,” said Kinard. “I think he’s going to have a good time.”

The mayor is known as a big sports fan and is often seen wearing team jerseys at city hall and attending sports events in Toronto.

Ford was at the Air Canada Centre catching a Maple Leafs game Tuesday night and showed up at a Buffalo Bills game at the Rogers Centre this past weekend.

Ford has garnered international media attention after publicly admitting to smoking crack cocaine in November just weeks after Toronto police said they recovered a video of the mayor appearing to smoke the illegal drug.

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In late November, the mayor was also stripped of most of his powers by council which has left him little more than a figurehead at city hall.

“I think with all the things being posted online in the past couple of weeks and months I think people are aware of him,” Kinard said. “We’ve had colourful political figures here in D.C. for decades so I think in Washington people do pay attention to that kind of thing.”

Ford is no stranger to the airwaves.

He had his weekly radio show cancelled after the drug allegations surfaced and later had his television show pulled off the air after just one episode.

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