IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s
Event Ended- Where
- Creekside Community Recreation Centre - 1 Athletes Way, Vancouver, BC View Map
- When
- Website
- https://secure2.convio.net/alz/site/SPageServer?pagename=wfa15_home&s_locale=en_CA
- Contact
- Vancouverwalkchair@alzheimerbc.org 604-742-4954 (Glen Mountfield)
The IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s is the Alzheimer Society of B.C.’s flagship fundraiser and is a way British Columbians can celebrate and remember people in their lives who have been affected by dementia, while they raise valuable funds and awareness to create change.
Each year we honour a member of the local community who has been affected by dementia or who has valuably contributed to the lives of people living with the disease in Vancouver.
In Vancouver this year we honour Christine Mills, a member of the community who has been affected by dementia.
Christine’s message to other caregivers is simply to reach out and access the support groups and education through the Society, to connect with the people who know the guilt and grief that often come along with caring for a family member living with dementia.
Get your family, friends and colleagues together and join us for an amazing day at the 2019 IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s.