
Ian McDonald

Ian began his career in broadcasting in 1972 and joined Global Lethbridge in 1979. “Lethbridge is a wonderful city to live, learn and raise a family in,” says McDonald.

As the agribusiness reporter, Ian loved sharing “information that matters” with people.

He also reported for many years focusing on agriculture with a daily segment in the news and a variety of weekly and other stand-alone shows.

He considers it a tremendous privilege to have been awarded an Honourary Membership in the Alberta Institute of Agrologists. Other highlights include doing shows and reports from the former Soviet Union and on another occasion, from the Netherlands.

He’s had the opportunity to travel to a number of other countries, visiting Tanzania and Kenya in Africa, Australia and New Zealand, and years ago a ski trip to Austria, Italy and Switzerland. Not afraid of adventure, he has also bungee jumped and thoroughly enjoys his big motorcycle.

Away from work Ian has spent many years singing tenor with Vox Musica, a university/community choir whose director is also the conductor of the Lethbridge Symphony Orchestra. Ian also sings on worship teams at church and is involved in a number of community service groups. Ian has a wonderful wife and two great daughters. He really enjoys people and being able to listen, learn and share community information that’s important to them.


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