According to the recent crop report from the province, Saskatchewan producers have 33 per cent of the crop off, putting production ahead of the five- and 10-year averages.
Things are moving quickly in the southwest and the west central areas, with 60 per cent and 39 per cent of the crops off, respectively.
Harvest in the northwest has been on pause due to rain and is only eight per cent complete.
“All crop types are starting to reach maturity in the province, allowing producers to make progress in all crops this week,” read the crop report.
“Fall cereals are nearing completion, with 96 per cent of fall rye and 89 per cent of winter wheat in the bin for the year. Lentils and field peas are leading the way in spring seeded crops, with 80 per cent of each crop harvested.”
Most other crops are sitting below 55 per cent.
Similar to the rest of the summer, areas around the province have been damaged by hail, wind, drought, and persistent grasshoppers and gophers.