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City of Kelowna creates online survey ahead of releasing new Urban Forest Strategy

WATCH: In 2011, the City of Kelowna introduced its first Urban Forest Strategy - a plan designed to help the city better manage the local ecosystem, but the city says more frequent extreme weather events and climate change have caused damage to trees and forests. Now they want to hear from the public to help update the plan. Jayden Wasney reports. – Nov 17, 2022

In 2011, the City of Kelowna released an Urban Forests Strategy — a plan designed to help the city better manage the local ecosystem both in and around the community — but the city now says it’s time to update their objective.

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From now until Dec. 11, the city wants to hear from residents on what work they feel needs to be done.

“There’s an opportunity to fill out a survey and also an interactive map where you can highlight parks and different areas that are most important to you or that you feel could use some improvements,” explained City of Kelowna urban forest technician, Tara Bergeson.

“We’re also going to be hosting an open house on Nov. 30, and the information for that is available on our website.”

The city says climate change and extreme weather events such as the heat dome or early-season snowfall have taken a toll on Kelowna’s trees.

“We’ve had repeated events like those over the last several years and it just doesn’t give the trees a lot of time to come back and sort of to re-establish before the next damage occurs,” said Bergeson.

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For the next 10 years, the city’s new plan will include management targets on public land in urban and rural areas.

“Our new Urban Forest Strategy will provide recommendations and management strategies for the maintenance, retention and protection of our existing trees as well as plating strategies, and areas in the city that we should be focused more on, like enhancing canopy cover and our natural areas as well” expressed Bergeson.

Bergeson added that the city is also looking into the possibility of tree enhancement plan for trees situation on private property.

“In July of this year, staff went to council with a tree enhancement strategy for a protection of trees on private property, so we’ll be looking at options for that as well,” said Bergeson.

To fill out the survey, or to find out more information, click here.


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